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Your Privacy

We are committed to maintaining the privacy of the information you share with us. We will not sell, distribute, or rent information about you. We will only use the information you share with us for the purposes of enhancing your use of our web site, or, with your permission, sending you information about our site and services.

Please take a moment to read our Privacy Policy for a better understanding of the measures we take to protect you and the information you share with us.

What information do we collect?

This FAQware site does not collect any personal information. Please review the Privacy statement on our other websites about any data collected from that website.

Our use of "cookies"

A "cookie" is a small data file stored by your web browser on your computer's hard drive. If we use Cookies, they allow us improve your site experience.

Cookies allow us to understand how you clicked to our site and what pages you click on during your visit to our site. Knowing who you are and how you prefer to access our site.

Accepting cookies through your web browser is your personal choice and will have little or no effect to accessing this site.

Who, if anyone, besides FAQware, will contact me?

No one. Email from any other source is NOT authorized nor permitted by FAQware, unless expressly disclosed on this page.

Additional disclosure of information?

We will not disclose any information by any method not already disclosed in this privacy statement.

Notification of changes

If at some point in the future there is a change to our Privacy Policy and/or practices that affects your personally identifiable information AND you have given us your email via some registration or subscription process we will notify you by email of the relevant changes.